USMA Library Class Rings Digital Exhibit


USMA Class Rings, Cuff Links, Brooch, and Bracelet

In celebration of the United States Military Academy Class of 2024 Ring Weekend, please take a look at the second phase of the USMA Library Class Rings Virtual Exhibit we are creating! 

The USMA Library Ring Case is one of the most popular permanent displays in the Library for cadets, faculty and staff, and visitors. Therefore, this digital exhibition will feature rings from the Class of 1837-Class of 2012, with information about the officers to whom they belonged, as we honor these USMA graduates and this wonderful tradition at West Point.

Stay tuned as we roll out this exhibit in several phases over the upcoming years. We will be exploring the biographies of each of the ring owners, the significance of the rings to the history of the Academy and the Long Gray Line, and the unique design elements and symbolism of the rings!

USMA Library Class Rings Digital Exhibit